Joe Zeff Design

Now more than ever, companies need to tell their story effectively. We’re here to help.

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App of the Week

Further demonstrating how the iPad is changing the publishing world, "Above & Beyond: George Steinmetz" has been chosen by Apple as its iTunes App of the Week in Australia and New Zealand and as a "New and Noteworthy" selection in 63 countries around the world. The app showcases the work of National Geographic photographer George Steinmetz, infusing his imagery with multimedia tools that present photography like never before. It was developed by Joe Zeff Design, a team of three people working out of Montclair, NJ — a bold statement as to how the iPad is levelling the publishing industry to allow small groups of creative individuals to challenge much larger and more established competitors.

It has been featured as a "What's Hot" and "New and Noteworthy" selection in the U.S. iTunes Store, and featured by Time magazine and other publications. In addition to the "App of the Week" and "New and Noteworthy" selections this week, "Above & Beyond: George Steinmetz" is featured as a "Staff Favorite" in the iTunes Stores in Denmark, Portugal and Sweden.

To celebrate its selection as App of the Week, Joe Zeff Design is releasing an enhanced version of "Above & Beyond: George Steinmetz" that will contain five new images with audio commentary from Steinmetz, as well as upgraded audio functionality throughout the app and new sharing tools including Facebook and Twitter. These additions will be accessible through the iTunes Store as soon as next week and made available to existing owners at no additional charge.

Further, Joe Zeff Design is currently producing a second edition of the Above & Beyond series that features another incredible imagemaker and his equally incredible back story, which is scheduled for a late July release, in addition to developing other properties for clients inside and outside of publishing. Joe Zeff Design is a Silver Authorized Solutions Partner of WoodWing Software.

To learn more about the app, please visit